What's the minimum order?
No minimum order at all. We do recommend ordering in bulk to save money on shipping. To make a bulk order, email [email protected]

How long will the dressing take to get to me?
Delivery varies by region but most orders will be with you within 3-5 business days. If there is an expected delay with your shipping, we will notify you.

How much does delivery cost?
Delivery costs may vary on products. See the individual product pricing for specific shipping costs. If you order in bulk you can save on shipping.

What payments do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Direct Credit into our bank account (via bulk orders - email for more information). If you're a business we can set up a credit account with you as well.

Are the details I provide to you on this website secure?
Yes. Check out our privacy policy.

Do I have to order using your website?
You can order over the phone on 0272469638 or you can send email to us at [email protected].

I'm having trouble using some of the features on this website . What should I do?
Send an email to [email protected] and we'll be able to give you assistance.